2025 Conference Themes

The 2025 conference will explore the functional genomics of cancer, tumour heterogeneity, cellular
metabolism, the tumour microenvironment, immunotherapy and other key themes such as: 

  • Genomic instability and tumour evolution

  • Prostate cancer and immunity

  • Cancer dependencies and epigenetics

  • Breast cancer genomics

  • Paediatric oncology and multi-omics

Open the below headings for information on how to submit an abstract for Lorne Cancer 2025.

    1. Oral Presentation - All presenters must be present in Lorne.

    2. Poster Presentation - All posters will be displayed as 1m (W) x 1.2m (H) during the poster sessions for face-to-face delegates. Your poster will remain on display for the entire duration of the conference.

    • Ensure you use one of the following browsers: INTERNET EXPLORER (v11 or newer) MOZILLA FIREFOX (v44 or newer) SAFARI (v5 or newer) GOOGLE CHROME

    • Mac Users: if you have trouble submitting your abstract, try submitting from a PC. If you are still having issues, please contact the secretariat.

    • Mozilla Users: the security policy in Mozilla often prevents pasting from your clipboard without using the menu commands. You can still cut and paste your abstract into the submission, but you may have to use the menu command rather than ‘control v’ shortcut.

    • Ensure your abstract text is less than 350 words as the system will not accept submissions over this limit. The word count does NOT include your title, authoring or cited references

    • Have your abstract open on your own computer to enable you to cut and paste it into the submission system.

    • Do you have an image in your abstract? This conference is NOT accepting images.

    • Do you have a table in your abstract? This conference is NOT accepting tables.

      1. Select the presentation type and category

      2. Provide some keywords to assist in categorisation of your abstract

      3. Enter the title of your abstract. Please type the title in sentence case (that is lowercase with only the first letter of the first word in capitals) and without any punctuation. A correctly formatted example follows: Title of my presentation for the conference

      4. Enter the name of all authors and their organisations and indicate the presenting author by ticking the relevant box

      5. Type or cut and paste the text of your abstract into the relevant field. Please ensure that abstract is no more than 350 words. (Does not include title, authoring or cited references)

      6. Preview your abstract, make any changes required and finalise your submission and return to your dashboard

      7. You will recieve an email confirmation that your abstract has been successfully submitted. Please check your email junk file in case it has been captured there.

      8. Should you wish to make any changes to your abstract after you have submitted it, please log onto your online registration dashboard. Click on the "View Submission" then "Preview/edit abstract".

      Please note you will only be able to make changes to your abstract until the submission deadline, after which any changes should be sent to: Rebecca Boucher

      Important Note: It is a condition of having your Abstract accepted and included in the Conference Program that you are a registered and paid delegate.

      The registration system encourages you to register at the same time as submitting your abstract, but it is not essential - you are able to submit an abstract without completing the registration process at this time.

  • The Organising Committee will review all submissions before selecting the presentations which will be included in the conference program.

  • Once the reviewing has been completed the conference organisers will notify abstract presenters of their acceptance. Specific presentation instructions will be included in the notification.